Joan Freeman

Psicologa e psicoterapeuta. Esperta riconosciuta a livello mondiale sulla plusdotazione.

Joan Freeman is a distinguished British psychologist working for the development of human abilities to their highest levels. She has conducted substantial research, notably her nation-wide ongoing study of gifted and non-gifted people since 1974. She has published widely in this area, including 17 books translated into many languages. Her most recent book is Gifted Lives (September 2010). For the UK government, she provides advice and has written two major reports on educating the gifted and talented.

Professor Freeman is Founding President of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA), a dynamic world-wide association. She is an elected Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Honorary Fellow of the College of Teachers and Patron of the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE). She is Founder and Chair of the think-tank, the Tower Education Group, which is carrying out world-wide research. Joan has given hundreds of invited addresses on every continent. She appears regularly on television in her own programmes and often on the news, as well as in the popular media. She is Visiting Professor at Middlesex University, London.

She was honoured by the British Psychological Society with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her work with the gifted and talented. She is a chartered Psychologist with a private practice in London specialising in the potential of young children.

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